S Dv Training

Lab Instructions for SDvTraining Experiments

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Opening Testing Rooms

Instructions for Subject

Part I

1. Flip privacy tag on the door
2. Get participant's username
3. Paper copy of the consent form is for them to keep (it says experiment is 2 credits and 2 hours but it is only 1 credit and no more than 1 hour)
4. Fill out screening questions to make sure they are eligible to run the experiment
5. Participant must sign consent form that is on the computer
6. Participant must complete the series of survey of questions. All the information is recorded anonymously, such that their name on the consent form is not saved with the data from the questionnaire.
7. Experiment is self-explanatory, they should follow the prompts
8. If they have any questions, they should find one of the experimenters

Part II

1. Press "control" to continue on to part II
2. The volume control for the video portion is on the right side of the monitor
3. Participant should follow the instructions: watch the movies and predict interest.
3. Make sure the participant knows that the money is real; they will actually get paid 10 cents for the correct answers at the end of the experiment, so they should try their best.
4. They will still get 1 credit for the experiment no matter how you perform
5. There is no time limit.
6. When the participants are done they should find the experimenter who will give them a receipt to get cash.
7. Close the door

Assigning Credit
Manually Assigning Credit to Participants not Signed up for the Experiment
Assigning Money to Paid Participants
Closing Testing Rooms
Storing Forms When Finished Running Experiment

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