Eye Tracking

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Lab Instructions for Eye Tracking Experiments

Green=Subject interaction
Blue=Eye tracker interaction
Red=Experiment computer interaction

1. Flip privacy tag on the door

2. Get participant's username

3. Have subject sign one copy of consent form, other copy of the consent form is for them to keep

4. Have subject fill out screening questions to make sure they are eligible to run the experiment

5. Explain that they’ll have survey questions for the first part of experiment. The computer will tell the subject what to do. When they're done, tell them to come get experimenter to do eye tracking part

6. Remind subject that all the information is recorded confidentially, so please answer questions honestly.

7. If they have any questions, they should find one of the experimenters

8. Close the door

9. While subject is filling out survey questions, unlock eye tracking room. Remember that food and drinks, including water, are not allowed in the eye tracking room.

10.Turn on experiment computer speakers, by black switch on the back of EACH speaker.

11. Plug in eye tracker and take lens cap off eye tracker

12. Turn on eye tracker computer(power button on actual computer)

13. Press enter at OS selection menu

14. When flashing cursor appears, type “t”; press enter; this loads the eye tracking software

15. On the experiment computer, open Skyler folder on the desktop -> open deploy folder -> experiment name folder -> experiment name.exe

16. Bring subject into eye tracking room

17. Have them turn off cell phones or throw away gum or candy, etc.

18. Explain that they should sit with head in head rest, explain what eye tracker is

19. Adjust height of head rest so subject is comfortable with chair against table

20. Let subject read experimental instructions and position them so both hands are on the table with a finger on each yes or no key; remind them that yes and no keys have grooves on them so they can find them without looking at the keyboard

21. Explain that the experiment has four parts that are five minutes each, in between each part they will be able to move their head

22. On the eye tracker computer, click “setup cameras”

23. Have subject stop moving their head, remind them not to move their head until they see instructions telling them that they can move

24. Adjust camera position to align right eye in red circle on eye tracker computer screen, make sure only one eye is visible

25. Adjust focus on camera

26. Press space bar on subject computer

27. On eye tracker computer click “auto threshold” in upper left hand corner of screen

28. Click “lock tracked eye” on bottom center of the eye tracker screen

29. Tell the subject to stare at the dot and look at wherever it moves

30. On the eye tracker computer, click calibrate

31. When subject’s eye motion holds steady click “accept fixation”

32. If calibration is successful, click validate on eye tracking computer

33. Repeat 25-30 until calibration is successful; when successful click accept

34. On the eye tracker computer click “exit setup” on the upper right corner of the screen

35. Subject starts actual experiment

36. After each block, repeat steps 21-26

37. Experiment over, subject is free to leave

38. Click “exit eyelink” on eye tracking computer

39. When flashing cursor appears, press the power button

40.' Unplug the camera and put the lens cap back on

41. Turn lights off, lock door

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